App Features

Beautiful Interface Design

clear and nice looking app surface. everything is understandable

active development

we are complete now. more and more features are coming.

open source

everything line of code is readable and understandable. no secrets, no proprietary software

support by real people

you have a problem, idea or feature request. let us know it. We believe we can help you

phone and tablet support

you prefer working with tablets. no problem

iOS & android version

it doesn't matter whether apple or google devices. both are supported

Our Privacy Promise

The "deck ng" App (in the following referred to as "App") does not collect or send any data from you or your device to a server of the developers or the Nextcloud GmbH. The App sends all data exclusively to the server configured by you with the intention to synchronize the contents of the App with those of the server. This data can contain IP-addresses, timestamps and further information as meta data. It is important to mention that all contents of the App may also be transmitted to the configured server. This contents can also contain personal information depending on the use. The servers you configured are technically outside the access area of this App developers, so that we neither know nor can prevent what happens to your data there. Please consult the privacy policy of the respective server operator.

The license of this project allows you to verify that no data is collected by the creators by reading the source code or asking someone else to do it.

Nextcloud privacy policy

You can get more information on Nextcloud general privacy policy which is accessible at

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Demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee idea of denouncing pleasure and praising

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